Stuart Macdonald serves as the Professor of Church and Society at Knox College, where his main teaching area is the history of Christianity, including the history of Presbyterianism in Canada. He has published on the witch-hunt in Scotland, including The Witches of Fife: Witch-hunting in a Scottish Shire, 1560-1710 (2002) and “John Knox, the Scottish Church and Witchcraft Accusations” in the Sixteenth Century Journal (2017) and Canadian church history. The recent book Leaving Christianity: Changing Allegiances in Canada since 1945 (2017), co-authored with Brian Clarke, is a major demographic study of Canadian religion. Selected other articles and chapters include: “For Empire and God: Canadian Presbyterians and the Great War”; “Presbyterian and Reformed Christians and Ethnicity”; and, “Canadian Presbyterians and Vatican II: A Silent Revolution.” Dr. Macdonald is currently working on a history of The Presbyterian Church in Canada in the post-WWII period.
CSPH Past President
Dr. Stuart Macdonald
c/o Knox College
59 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2E6 [email protected]